Why you should never wait too long to start with your child dental visits.

When a child gets used to seeing the dentist regularly, visiting becomes easy and fun. The experience develops into a routine that lasts over a life time. You can give your child the gift of a good dental habit for their first birthday.

First Dentist visit by the first Birthday, a life time of benefits.

Sometimes a new born baby needs to see a dentist for a specific reason, like neonatal teeth, lactation problem related to tongue tie or tissue lessons. But if everything is ok and there are no concerns, your children should see a dentist by their first birthday. First, we can make sure that their dental/facial growth is going well. You can learn good oral hygiene techniques and nutritional advice that can help maintain an optimal oral health. At the same time your child will learn benefits that will last a lifetime from an early age.

In the beginning it can be a bit scary, but after the first couple of visits, just for a checkup, your child will learn to trust the dentist, the staff, and most importantly, trust the whole experience. With an early check up, small problems can be addressed before they become a bigger issue. That is what most people are afraid of.

We want this check up to take place before any major dental work is needed. We want your child to get used to the dental environment, so it is not a big deal to visit again and have dental treatment done. If a dental emergency ever happens, the dentist is well known by now, so seeing the dentist does not stress your child . The actual dental appointment becomes fun, even if it is more than just a check up.

How dental treatments could be fun for your children.

Technology and advancements in dental health has helped pediatric dental care to be a more pleasant experience for children. In a Pediatric Dental practice, the dentists main focus is to give your children a great experience. Having all the necessary tools for the visit to go smoothly is a big part of it.

Things that help at a Pediatric Dental setting:

  • Dentist that specializes in pediatric care
  • Staff trained in pediatric care
  • TV on ceiling while they get treatment
  • Video games for entertainment
  • Inviting environment
  • Quick appointments
  • Easy fluoride treatment
  • Almost painless local anesthesia
  • Laser surgeries
  • Better and quicker materials to work with

When all of this is combined in one setting, the experience becomes fun. This type of exposure to an easier dental care provides an opportunity that the whole family can benefit from.

Your children's early dental appointment can make a difference in the whole family.

Nowadays pediatric dental offices are welcoming and most enjoy having the family around while the child is being seen. This help smaller siblings learn and get more comfortable with a dental environment . This healthy new experience helps the whole family develop dental habits that will follow them for the rest of their life.

Benefits to the family:

  • Habit of brushing and flossing
  • More comfortable on dental setup
  • Built a routine of 6 months follow up.
  • Help parents erase bad memories from childhood

Because of previous experiences and bad childhood memories, some adults have apprehensive behaviors when it comes to the dentist. Some of these anxieties are transferred to the child without it being noticed. But we can change this for your family for generations to come, with an early visit to the dentist.


Most children should have a dental exam by their first birthday. This will give your child and family a more trustable approach to the dental experience. Make this happen for your family. Make your child’s first appointment today.